Good day everybody! I hope today finds you well. I've spent most of the day working and trying to clear my mind. All day I've had writers block and I just couldn't concentrate at all. Now that I have spent the day driving around, sending emails and calling people I have found myself yet again thinking about traveling...

You can't plan life so I'm not going to plan trips. I'm going to let the world show me it's self one day at a time. It might be a family trip to Martha's Vineyard or backpacking across Europe with some of my best friends. What ever the trip I'm always ready to go. I'm ready to live and take it all in! I don't include my upcoming trip on this, well okay maybe a little bit but since this will be my third trip to Seattle it's not a new place anymore. I'm starting to call it a vacation home, I'm sure my uncle would love that. I say travel as much as you can while you can. I'm sure he would agree. Well it's about time I get off of here and get back to my oh so fabulous life. Which tonight will consist of a high school volleyball game, laundry, project runway, a couple chapters from my new book and maybe an episode of Grey's before bed. It's a must!
- Erica