Happy New Year! Can you believe it's 2014?! I already know that I'm going to be writing the date as 2013 for at least the next few weeks. Does anyone else do this? I am pleased to announce that I have returned home and just in the nick of time. We are expecting 3 inches of snow tonight! (FREAKING OUT) As an avid snow lover I can' wait to see the beautiful powder in the morning. As promised I have a ton of pictures to post and a bunch of things to get through so bare with me.
First off some of you might know that I'm a huge Grey's Anatomy fan. I discovered the show on Netflix last March and finished all 10 seasons by December. I know.... Don't judge me :) While in Seattle I tracked down the address of the house that many cast members have lived in. Not really but the house exterior shot over the city. I dragged my uncle and cousin to the house which was just about 10 blocks from the space needle it's self and took some pics. I was a little overwhelmed.
Over the last week we spent every minute of everyday exploring the city and it's many delicious places to eat. From stuffed mushrooms, Italian soups, grilled chicken, fresh mango and pineapple to steak, macaroons, Greek yogurt and my uncles famous spaghetti and meatballs. Most days I ate pretty healthy but others, I had to give in.

Most days I was exhausted from walking the many hills of downtown. From shopping the day after Christmas to walking the piers and waterfront. We even visited Snoqualmie Falls. I got plenty of exercise and my shoes weren't always practical. I mean come on - vacation calls for cute outfits. Sensible would not have fit into my suitcase. I could hardly zip as it was!
One of the best things was did was attend Beethoven's Ninth at the Seattle Symphony. It was my first time at the symphony and I was mesmerized. I have always enjoyed classical music so all through out I was watching and listening carefully. It was so beautiful, It really made me appreciate music even more - if it's possible.
The last day I had the misfortune (cough, cough) of missing my connection in Denver so I got to stay a night there with family. I actually wished for it to happen - luck was on my side. Just being home for one day made me happy. I will forever love those Rocky Mountains.
xo, Erica